Let's call a spade a
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, May 05, 2004 11:21 AM
Subject: Election rigging? > Police reminded about
50,000 EURO bribe > additional information sought (from
Green Party, Ireland)
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, May 05, 2004 10:12 AM
Subject: Election rigging? > Police reminded about
50,000 EURO bribe > additional information sought (from
Green Party, Ireland)
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, May 04, 2004 5:59 PM
Subject: [Celtic Party] Police reminded about 50,000
EURO bribe, and additional information sought (from Green
Sent: Tuesday, May 04, 2004 3:08 PM
Subject: Additional information sought
Dear Stiofan,
I plan to formally write to
my local law firm (Fair Murtagh) again soon regarding the
criminally libellous e-mail (as I see it) which Ciaran
MacLochlainn wrote about me on April 5th last - which is
further referred to below.
If you have any additional
information to add to what Colm has sent me earlier today
(please see below), I would very much appreciate it please.
As you can see below, your name
has been mentioned to me by Donal O'Bearra (Green Party
Representative for the Galway area).
At this stage, I now feel I have
to point out that the Green Party leadership appears to me to
be trivialising this whole matter in a manner which is a
source of growing concern for me.
I would like to stress that the
matter of Ciaran Mac Lochlainn's libellous e-mail is most
certainly NOT trivial to me.
I live in a community which has
been under threat for several years now of being saddled with
two huge rubbish dumps being located within a few miles of
each other, and that is by no means our only local
environmental problem. The situation is just as bad, if not
worse, regarding the protection of some very important local
heritage sites.
Neither would the whole matter be
trivial (I imagine ?) to Celtic Waste / Greenstar - who are
planning to install one of the two rubbish dumps in question
very soon. Similarly with regard to the Bank of
Ireland - who, as leader of an international group of banks,
raised 100,000,000 Euros for Celtic Waste last year.
It may also be worth adding that
there is a Bord Pleanala appeal decision due out on or before
May 13th 2004 regarding the local Celtic Waste dump referred
to above; and, that one of the things An Board Pleanala need
to take account of is the matter of the alleged 50,000 EURO
Celtic Waste bribe Trevor Sargent TD has already raised in the
Dail with Minister Cullen TD.
Though the 50,000 EURO bribe
was reported by me to the Police (by registered letter on
March 31st 2004), I do not know if they are investigating it
or not. To date, I have not received any reply from them.
Further information on this particular aspect of this very
disturbing overall situation can be found at:
I look forward to hearing from you
at your earliest convenience please.
Billy Finnerty.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, May 04, 2004 11:16 AM
Subject: Re: Rules & Procedures Committee / National
Executive Committee
Like many people in the party I have a number of
responsibilities. My involvement in this matter is in my
role on the Rules and Procedures Subcommittee which is a
subcommittee of the National Executive Committee.
I don't see that I have any role in accusations of libel.
As far as I am aware Ciaran MacLochlainn is still secretary of
the East Galway
Green Party.
Subject: Re: Rules & Procedures Committee / National
Executive Committee
Dear Colm,
For legal reasons, and with reference to Donal O'Bearra's
e-mail below (Sent: Monday, May 03, 2004 10:13 PM), I would be
very grateful if you could let me have answers to the
following three questions please:
a) What exactly was your pronouncement from the point of view
of the Green Party's "Rules & Procedures" regarding what I see
as the criminally libellous e-mail Ciaran Mac Lochlainn
published concerning me on April 5th last? (Please note
that I was not aware until now - i.e. until I received the
e-mail referred to in the paragraph above - of the existence
of any such pronouncement from you, or from anyone else, in
the Green Party.)
b) What exactly is your job title, and your position in the
Green Party?
c) Is Ciaran Mac Lochlainn still Secretary of the East Galway
Green Party? (As you will know, and for the reasons
highlighted at the following Internet address, I believe
Ciaran Mac Lochlainn should have been suspended immediately
from his East Galway Green Party Secretary's position once
senior members of the Green Party had been informed regarding
his libellous e-mail of April 5th:
http://www.finnachta.com/libel.htm )
I look forward to receiving answers to the above 3
questions at your earliest convenience please.
Kind regards,
Billy Finnerty.
PS: I will take this opportunity to point out that the
registered letter to Trevor Sargent (regarding the April 5th
2004 libellous e-mail) was sent last Friday, and that the
text, plus a digital copy of the Post Office registered
receipt, can now be seen at the following address:
----- Original Message -----
From: "Donal O'Bearra" <dobearra@eircom.net>
To: "William Finnerty" <wfinnerty@eircom.net>
Cc: "brendan and helen" <kellybrendan@eircom.net>;
"Ciaran Mac Lochlainn"
"Janice & Neil" <fullergood@eircom.net>;
porter" <aneitleoirglas@eircom.net>;
"Colm Ó Caomhánaigh 1"
"Una Ní Bhroin" <unanibhroin@eircom.net>;
"Peter Butler" <recycle4galway@hotmail.com>
Sent: Monday, May 03, 2004 10:13 PM
Subject: Re: Rules & Procedures Committee / National Executive
Dear Billy,
The next NEC meeting is on June 26th and Colm O'Caomhanaigh
has already pronounced on it from the point of view of the
Rules & Procedures. I suggest that any further correspondence
on the issue be addressed to Stiofan Nutty, General Secretary,
5a Lower Fownes Street, Dublin 2. The chapter is closed as far
as my involvement is concerned.
Donal O Bearra
Dear Donal,
I go along with your suggestion about passing on my complaint
to the Rules & Procedures Committee of the Green Party and/or
the National Executive Committee.
Without wishing to be disrespectful to anyone in the Green
Party, and at the risk of being accused of insulting people
nonetheless, I believe the above mentioned action should have
taken place within 24 hours of my e-mail dated April 6th 2004
(Sent: Tuesday, April 06, 2004 8:28 PM) - the contents of
which can be viewed at the following internet page address:
Please note that the above mentioned e-mail was copied to
yourself, to Trevor Sargent (Party Leader), and to Mary White
(Deputy Leader).
Allowing for the wholly inappropriate delay in investigating
the criminally libellous e-mail (as I see it) published about
me by Ciaran Mac Lochlainn on April 5th last, which he copied
to several other people, I hope the above Committee/s will now
deal with the matter promptly, and that I will be informed of
the outcome as soon as possible please.
In case there might be any doubt about it, please be aware
that I am still very seriously considering taking legal action
against Ciaran Mac Lochlainn, and the Green Party (for libel).
I hope to be receiving further legal advice on the matter
later this week.
Kind regards,
Billy Finnerty.
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