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Date: Wed, 4 Oct 2006 13:43:44 +0100 (BST)
From: William Finnerty <newinngalway@yahoo.co.uk>
Subject: Bullying, Abuse, and Corruption - in unlimited amounts?
To: "EUROPA NOSTRA Secretary-General Mrs Sneška Quaedvlieg-Mihailovic\)" <sg@europanostra.org>,
"The Registrar, European Court of Human Rights, Council of Europe, Strasbourg. \(Re: ECHR Case Reference: 25077/05\)" <infopoint@coe.int>,
"Dick Marty \(PACE Rapporteur of the Committee on Legal Affairs and Human Rights\)" <pace.com@coe.int>,
"Commissioner for Human Rights of the Council of Europe \(Thomas Hammarberg\)" <commissioner.humanrights@coe.int>,
"Venice Commission \(Council of Europe\)" <venice@coe.int>,
"Liam Cashman \(Environmental Directorate, The European Commission\)" <Liam-Joseph.Cashman@cec.eu.int>,
"Jose Manuel Barroso \(President of EU Commission\)" <sg-web-president@cec.eu.int>,
"Josep Borrell Fontelles \(President of the European Parliament\)" <webmasterpresident@europarl.eu.int>,
"Erkki Tuomioja President of the Council of the European Union\)" <askthepresidency@eu2006.fi>,
Northern Ireland Criminal Justice Minister David Hanson MP <hansond@parliament.uk>,
"Caroline Nolan \(Solicitor, Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission\)" <Caroline.Nolan@nihrc.org>,
"Michael Farrell \(Solicitor, Irish Human Rights Commissioner\)" <info@ihrc.ie>,
Prime Minister Tony Blair MP <webmaster@pmo.gov.uk>,
"David Cameron MP \(Leader of UK Opposition Party\)" <camerond@parliament.uk>,
Sir Menzies Campbell QC MP <info@libdems.org.uk>,
"Dr John Kirby \(Bishop of Clonfert\)" <clonfert@iol.ie>,
Cardinal Cormac Murphy O'Connor <enquiries@rcdow.org.uk>,
Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams <webmaster@archbishopofcanterbury.org>,
Prime Minister Bertie Ahern <taoiseach@taoiseach.irlgov.ie>,
Deputy Prime Minister Mary Harney <info@maryharney.ie>,
"Minister for Justice \(Michael McDowell TD\)" <Michael.McDowell@oireachtas.ie>,
Enda.Kenny@oireachtas.ie, Pat.Rabbitte@oireachtas.ie,
Trevor.Sargent@oireachtas.ie, Arthur.Morgan@oireachtas.ie,
"Gearoid Geraghty \(Lawyer, Fair Murtagh, Ballinasloe\)" <gearoidgeraghty@fair-murtagh.ie>,
"Ciara Macklin \(Lawyer, Fair-Murtagh\)" <ciaramacklin@fair-murtagh.ie>,
"Martin Egan \(Principal Lawyer, Fair-Murtagh Law Firm\)" <martinegan@fair-murtagh.ie>,
Chief Constable Sir Hugh Orde OBE <information@nipolicingboard.org.uk>,
"Garda Commissioner Noel Conroy \(Chief Commissioner of Police, Republic of Ireland\)" <comstaff@iol.ie>,
ombudsman@ombudsman.irlgov.ie, euro-ombudsman@europarl.eu.int,
"Anne Scott \(Northern Ireland Ombudsman's Office\)" <Anne.Scott@ni-ombudsman.org.uk>,
"Mr Greg Nolan \(Solicitor, Patrick Hogan & Co., Ballinalsloe, County Galway, Republic of Ireland.\)" <greg@phoganandco.com>,
"Pat Hughes \(Roscommon Auctioneer\)" <phughes2@eircom.net>,
Thomas Lohan <lohantm@yahoo.com>, brendankellywoodlawn@yahoo.ie,
"UTV \(Newsroom\)" <newsroom@utvplc.com>, jeremy.paxman@bbc.co.uk,
Sir Anthony O'Reilly <independent.letters@unison.independent.ie>,
"Guardian of Republic of Ireland Constitution \(President Mary McAleese\)" <webmaster@aras.irlgov.ie>,
"Kofi Annan \(Secretary-General of the United Nations\)" <public.participation@unece.org>,
"President George W. Bush" <president@whitehouse.gov>
CC: "GRECO \(Council of Europe's Group of States Against Corruption\)" <webmaster.greco@coe.int>,
"Franz-Hermann Brüner Director of the European Union Anti-Fraud Office\)" <olaf-complaints@ec.europa.eu>,
"Mr Riccardo Monaco, Office of the European Ombudsman \(Re: European Ombudsman's complaint reference:1569/2006/RM\)" <EO@ombudsman.europa.eu>,
"Mr James Hamilton \(Director of Public Prosecutions, Republic of Ireland\)" <dppwebmaster@indigo.ie>,
"Gerald Finnerty & Marjorie Dolan \(New Inn, County Galway.\)" <margieandgerald@yahoo.ie>,
"Gerard J Madden \(Senior Social Worker, Omagh, County Tyrone, Northern Ireland\)" <gmadden@slt.n-i.nhs.uk>
If reports such as those below are true, what hope can there be for anything that so called "soverign" governments do at the present time?
Illuminati's Slush Fund
by Paddywack Wed Oct 04, 2006 11:29
According to reports on the Internet, which the lackeys of the media barons "wouldn't touch with a thousand-foot barge pole" apparently, the Illuminati have an estimated "65 Trillion Dollars" slush fund. It appears to be held in an account named the "Global Security Fund", and it has already been the subject of complaints made by at least one MEP it seems (Mr Ashley Mote).
Very interestingly, the Global Security Fund appears to be managed from Brussels.
The following is an extract from one of several articles relating to the Slush Fund in question:
"Equipped with such limitless resources, the directors of the New Underworld Order have now amassed sufficient finance to bribe every leader, ruler, policymaker, intelligence operative and political figure worldwide, for the rest of this century, in pursuit of their aims. The New Underworld Order addresses the greatest crisis the world has ever faced namely, the globalization of criminalism. What this means is that governments, and the revolutionary New World Order cabal seeking global governance (or control), are increasingly in the hands of criminal gangs and corrupt power cliques that hide behind formal government positions."
If such reports are true, what hope can there be for Tara, or for anything that governments now do?
The full article the above text was taken from can be seen at:
Related Link: http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&lr=&q=Global+Security+Fund,+Brussels,+Corruption&btnG=Search
The above text was copied from the following Indymedia (Ireland) location:
Would the above explain the amazing way (COMPLETELY and blatantly corrupt as I see it) that the European Court of Human Rights - located near Brussels as it happens - dealt with the case I submitted to them last March? Full details of the submission I made to the Council of Europe, and their response, and the response of the European Ombudsman, can be found at the following address:
PRINTED COPY TO: Dr Michael McCavert GP, Omagh Health Centre, County Tyrone, Northern Ireland.
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--- End of e-mail text ---
A selection of World Leaders has been informed regarding the above matters. Please see:
Constitution of Ireland:
Bunreacht na hEireann
and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (United
2000 (Republic Of Ireland):
European Convention
on Human Rights (Council of Europe):
Universal Declaration of Human
Rights (United Nations):