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Date: Fri, 27 Oct 2006 10:54:05 +0100 (BST)
From: William Finnerty <newinngalway@yahoo.co.uk>
Subject: Corruption rules - okay?
To: "The Registrar, European Court of Human Rights, Council of Europe, Strasbourg. (Re: ECHR Case Reference: 25077/05)" <infopoint@coe.int>, "Dick Marty (PACE Rapporteur of the Committee on Legal Affairs and Human Rights)" <pace.com@coe.int>, "Commissioner for Human Rights of the Council of Europe (Thomas Hammarberg)" <commissioner.humanrights@coe.int>, "Venice Commission (Council of Europe)" <venice@coe.int>, "Liam Cashman (Environmental Directorate, The European Commission)" <Liam-Joseph.Cashman@cec.eu.int>, "Jose Manuel Barroso (President of EU Commission)" <sg-web-president@cec.eu.int>, "Josep Borrell Fontelles (President of the European Parliament)" <webmasterpresident@europarl.eu.int>, "Erkki Tuomioja President of the Council of the European Union)" <askthepresidency@eu2006.fi>, Northern Ireland Criminal Justice Minister David Hanson MP <hansond@parliament.uk>, "Caroline Nolan (Lawyer, Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission)" <Caroline.Nolan@nihrc.org>, "Michael Farrell (Lawyer, Irish Human Rights Commissioner)" <info@ihrc.ie>, Prime Minister Tony Blair MP <webmaster@pmo.gov.uk>, "David Cameron MP (Leader of UK Opposition Party)" <camerond@parliament.uk>, Sir Menzies Campbell QC MP <info@libdems.org.uk>, "Dr John Kirby (Bishop of Clonfert)" <clonfert@iol.ie>, Cardinal Cormac Murphy O'Connor <enquiries@rcdow.org.uk>, Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams <webmaster@archbishopofcanterbury.org>, Prime Minister Bertie Ahern <taoiseach@taoiseach.irlgov.ie>, "Deputy Prime Minister & Minister for Justice (Michael McDowell TD)" <Michael.McDowell@oireachtas.ie>, Minister for Health Mary Harney <info@maryharney.ie>, Enda.Kenny@oireachtas.ie, Pat.Rabbitte@oireachtas.ie, Trevor.Sargent@oireachtas.ie, Arthur.Morgan@oireachtas.ie, "Gearoid Geraghty (Lawyer, Fair Murtagh, Ballinasloe)" <gearoidgeraghty@fair-murtagh.ie>, "Ciara Macklin (Lawyer, Fair-Murtagh)" <ciaramacklin@fair-murtagh.ie>, "Martin Egan (Principal Lawyer, Fair-Murtagh Law Firm)" <martinegan@fair-murtagh.ie>, Chief Constable Sir Hugh Orde OBE <information@nipolicingboard.org.uk>, "Garda Commissioner Noel Conroy (Chief Commissioner of Police, Republic of Ireland)" <comstaff@iol.ie>, ombudsman@ombudsman.irlgov.ie, "Anne Scott (Northern Ireland Ombudsman's Office)" <Anne.Scott@ni-ombudsman.org.uk>, richardmgreene@yahoo.co.uk, "Mr Greg Nolan (Solicitor, Patrick Hogan & Co., Ballinalsloe, County Galway, Republic of Ireland.)" <greg@phoganandco.com>, "Pat Hughes (Roscommon Auctioneer)" <phughes2@eircom.net>, Thomas Lohan <lohantm@yahoo.com>, brendankellywoodlawn@yahoo.ie, "UTV (Newsroom)" <newsroom@utvplc.com>, jeremy.paxman@bbc.co.uk, todaypk@rte.ie, Sir Anthony O'Reilly <independent.letters@unison.independent.ie>, Shell To Sea <majella_mccarron@yahoo.co.uk>, "Guardian of Republic of Ireland Constitution (President Mary McAleese)" <webmaster@aras.irlgov.ie>, "Kofi Annan (Secretary-General of the United Nations)" <public.participation@unece.org>, "President George W. Bush" <president@whitehouse.gov>
CC: "Ashley Mote (Independent MEP for South East England Region)" <ashley.mote@btconnect.com>, "Nikiforos Diamandouros (The European Ombudsman)" <euro-ombudsman@europarl.eu.int>, "Mr Riccardo Monaco, Office of the European Ombudsman (Re: European Ombudsman's complaint reference:1867/2006/IP)" <EO@ombudsman.europa.eu>, "GRECO (Council of Europe's Group of States Against Corruption)" <webmaster.greco@coe.int>, "Franz-Hermann Brüner Director of the European Union Anti-Fraud Office)" <olaf-complaints@ec.europa.eu>, "Mr James Hamilton (Director of Public Prosecutions, Republic of Ireland)" <dppwebmaster@indigo.ie>, "Gerald Finnerty & Marjorie Dolan (New Inn, County Galway.)" <margieandgerald@yahoo.ie>, "Gerard J Madden (Senior Social Worker, Omagh, County Tyrone, Northern Ireland)" <gmadden@slt.n-i.nhs.uk>
Corruption and bullying, not democracy and the rule-of-law, are now the main driving forces behind national and international politics?
No injunctions - why?
by W. Finnerty. Wed Oct 25, 2006 18:15
Allowing for the way Minister for Justice McDowell TD is being publicly accused (in writing) of corruption, why is it that he not issuing any injunctions - as would normally be the case if the accusations were false?
This point has been raised in an e-mail sent earlier today to a number of people, including 17 MEPs (Members of the European Parliament).
As some will already know, one of the 17 MEPs included in the above mentioned "Group of 17", Mr Ashley Mote, has been asking some VERY awkward questions about rampant, totally out-of-control corruption in the European Union: which is thought to involve the so called "Illuminati's global slush fund", allegedly managed from Brussels, and according to one report estimated to be in the region of "65 Trillion Dollars" (please see http://www.arcticbeacon.com/23-Mar-2006.html ).
So far, Mr Mote does not appear to be getting any useful answers to the questions he and his highly experienced associate, "forensic accountant" Mr Christopher Story FRSA of "International Currency Review", have been seeking.
For future reference purposes, full details of today's e-mail to 17 MEPs can be viewed at the following address:
How many "plain brown envelopes" would it take to hold "65 Trillion Dollars" (in used notes) I wonder?
Related Link: http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&lr=&q=Ashley+Mote,+Corruption,+Christopher+Story&btnG=Search
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William Finnerty
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The "Illuminati's global slush fund" is also known as the the "Global Security Fund"
Constitution of Ireland:
Bunreacht na hEireann
and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (United
2000 (Republic Of Ireland):
European Convention
on Human Rights (Council of Europe):
Universal Declaration of Human
Rights (United Nations):