Revolting cowards and bulliesby W. Finnerty. Wed
Jan 31, 2007 12:59
The arrogance and cruelty of
the revolting cowards and bullies of the legal profession knows no bounds
The information in an e-mail sent this morning is now
on public display for all the world to see at: The
official Yahoo message identification and tracking information has been included
at the above address - so that it will be very difficult for any of the several
addressees around the world to later claim they "did not know anything" about
the amazing and outrageously unlawful human rights abuse senior public officials
in the Republic of Ireland are indulging themselves
Allowing for the way the legal profession viciously
attacked Mr John Gill (Crooked Lawyers Yahoo Group) in a very protracted way
last year, regarding what many felt was a relatively unimportant and
completely avoidable matter, I personally will now be very interested to see if
ANY member of the legal profession - including Minister for Justice Michael
McDowell TD - makes any attempt whatever to have the information at the above
address removed. (As some will recall, the legal profession did succeed in
forcing the removal of some information in Mr Gill's
My belief is that NONE of
them will try to remove any of my information - as the cowardly
bullies in question all know perfectly well they would bring the roof down on
top of themselves if they did: because a) the information in the e-mail
reproduced at the above address is all COMPLETELY true; and b) it can very
easily be proved beyond all reasonable doubt in a court of law - with or without
a jury.
With a general election just some months away, people
like Prime Minister Ahern TD can expect to be hearing a lot more from me in the
weeks and months ahead, and I will be doing everything I reasonably can to show
Irish voters, and the rest of the world, what a shoddy and corrupt bunch of
cowardly thugs he and his government colleagues really
Related Link: ==============
The above text has
been has been copied from the following Indymedia (Ireland)
organisations in the "
Cc:" section of this e-mail may be interested to know that
people like Prime Minister Ahern TD, and Justice Minister McDowell TD,
all have the full backing and support of President George W. Bush,
Prime Minister Blair MP, and one time President Bill Clinton - people
who we all know are entirely happy to fire "Cruise Missiles" and such like into
cities like Bagdad which they know are full of very young children.
With all such politicians (several of them lawyers of course), and there
are many all over Europe unfortunately, it appears that human rights law is
STRICTLY for window-dressing purposes only.
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