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Date: Fri, 9 Nov 2007 11:18:16 +0000 (GMT)
From: William Finnerty <newinngalway@yahoo.co.uk>
To: "Chief Justice John L. Murray" <SupremeCourt@courts.ie>,
"Brian Lenihan TD (Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform" <Brian.Lenihan@oireachtas.ie>,
"Paul Gallagher S.C. (Attorney General, Republic of Ireland)" <info@ag.irlgov.ie>,
"Mr James Hamilton (Director of Public Prosecutions, Republic of Ireland)" <dppwebmaster@indigo.ie>,
"The Chief State Solicitor (Republic of Ireland)" <contact@csso.gov.ie>,
"Guardian of Republic of Ireland Constitution (President Mary McAleese)" <webmaster@president.ie>,
"Peter Sutherland (Former Attorney General, Chairman of Goldman Sachs International Bank, Steering Committee Member of the Bilderberg Group, and European Chairman of the Trilateral Commission)" <trilateral.europe@wanadoo.fr>,
"Garda Commissioner Noel Conroy (Chief Commissioner of Police, Republic of Ireland)" <comstaff@iol.ie>,
Chief Constable Sir Hugh Orde OBE <information@nipolicingboard.org.uk>
"Senator Ivana Bacik, Barrister and Reid Professor of Criminal Law, Criminology and Penology at Trinity College Dublin (TCD) Law School" <ivana.bacik@oireachtas.ie>,
"Fianna Fail Party Leader, Prime Minister Bertie Ahern" <taoiseach@taoiseach.irlgov.ie>,
"Dr Walter F. Murphy (Professor of Jurisprudence Emeritus at Princeton University)" <wmurphy37@comcast.net>,
"Cllr Phillip Cantwell (MCC and Trim TC)" <PCantwell@meathcoco.ie>,
"John Pilger (Documentary Film Maker)" <pilgereditor@gmail.com>,
"Shauna Gillan (Barrister, Matrix Chambers, London)" <shaunagillan@matrixlaw.co.uk>,
"John Reilly (Barrister, Tooks Chambers, London)" <clerks@tooks.co.uk>,
"Dr Jimmy Devins TD (Minister of State at the Department of Health and Children)" <info@jimmydevins.ie>,
Crooked-Lawyer Catcher <lawyercatcher@lawyer.com>,
"Northern Ireland Social Security Agency (Reference Disability Case Reference 52-82267 for YH615974D)" <Private.Office@dsdni.gov.uk>,
"Nikiforos Diamandouros (The European Ombudsman) Case ref: 1867/2006/IP )" <euro-ombudsman@europarl.eu.int>,
"The Registrar, European Court of Human Rights, Council of Europe, Strasbourg. (Re: ECHR Case Reference: 25077/05)" <infopoint@coe.int>,
Prime Minister Gordon Brown MP <webmaster@pmo.gov.uk>,
"Kathy Sinnott MEP, European Parliament Committee on Petitions" <ksinnott@europarl.eu.int>,
"Dr. Bob Bowman, Lt. Col., USAF, ret." <bob@thepatriots.us>,
"Jose Manuel Barroso (Lawyer & President of European Union Commission)" <sg-web-president@ec.europa.eu>,
"Marcin Libicki MEP (Chairman of European Parliament Committee on Petitions)" <marcin.libicki@europarl.europa.eu>,
"Radu Podgorean MEP (European Parliament Committee on Petitions)" <radu.podgorean@europarl.europa.eu>,
Proinsias De Rossa MEP <pderossa@europarl.eu.int>,
Mairead McGuinness MEP <mmcguinness@europarl.eu.int>,
"Stavros Dimas (Lawyer, and European Union Commissioner for Environment)" <stavros.dimas@ec.europa.eu>,
"John Gormley TD (Green Party Leader & Minister for Environment, Heritage and Local Government)" <john.gormley@oireachtas.ie>,
"US Senator Barack Obama (Constitutional/Civil Rights Lawyer & US Presidential Hopeful)" <info@barackobama.com>,
"UNESCO World Heritage Centre (WHC)" <wh-info@unesco.org>,
World Monuments Fund <wmf@wmf.org>,
"Europa Nostra, Pan-European Federation for Cultural Heritage (Mrs Sneška Quaedvlieg Mihailoviæ)" <sg@europanostra.org>,
"Dr Gerard Hogan (Senior Constitutional Lawyer, Fellow, Trinity College, Dublin)" <hogang@tcd.ie>,
"Greg Nolan (Lawyer at Patrick Hogan & Co., Ballinalsloe, County Galway, Republic of Ireland)" <greg@phoganandco.com>,
"Gerard J Madden (Senior Social Worker, Omagh, County Tyrone, Northern Ireland)" <gmadden@slt.n-i.nhs.uk>,
"Adrian O' Kane (Lawyer at Patrick Fahy & Co, Omagh.)" <adrian.okane@pfahy.com>,
"Progressive Democrats Party Leader, Health Minister Mary Harney" <info@maryharney.ie>,
"Gerald Finnerty & Marjorie Dolan (New Inn, County Galway)" <margieandgerald@yahoo.ie>,
European Commission Representation in Ireland <eu-ie-info-request@ec.europa.eu>,
"Michael Farrell (Lawyer, Irish Human Rights Commissioner)" <info@ihrc.ie>,
"Willie Corduff, Rossport 5" <info@goldmanprize.org>,
"Sir Anthony O'Reilly, Newspaper Proprietor" <independent.letters@unison.independent.ie>,
"Fine Gael Party Leader, Enda Kenny" <Enda.Kenny@oireachtas.ie>,
Transparency International Ireland <info@transparency.ie>,
Jack Straw MP <lordchancellor@dca.gsi.gov.uk>,
Nancy Levant <nlevant@juno.com>,
"Dr Garrett Fitzgerald (Chancellor of the National University of Ireland)" <registrar@nui.ie>,
Law Society of Ireland <general@lawsociety.ie>,
Former US President Bill Clinton <clinton.library@nara.gov>,
"Josep Borrell Fontelles (President of the European Parliament)" <webmasterpresident@europarl.eu.int>,
"Sinn Fein Party Leader, Gerry Adams MP" <info@sinnfein.org>,
Liam Aylward MEP <laylward@europarl.eu.int>,
"Dr Mark Clinton (Heritage Protection Alliance of Ireland Co-ordinator)" <norahbk@eircom.net>,
"Macquarie Bank (PPP Financiers)" <info@macquarie.com.au>,
"David Cameron MP (Leader of UK Opposition Party)" <camerond@parliament.uk>,
"Rev Ian Paisley, Democratic Unionist Party" <info@dup.org.uk>,
"Labour Party Leader, Eamon Gilmore" <eamon.gilmore@oireachtas.ie>,
"Marie Murray (Senior Psychologist & Irish Times Columnist)" <mmurray@irish-times.ie>,
Irish Examiner Newspaper <jill.osullivan@tcm.ie>,
The Law Society of England and Wales <info@lawsociety.org.uk>,
"Majella Mc Carron (Shell to Sea)" <majella_mccarron@yahoo.co.uk>,
"Eamon Ryan TD (Minister for Communications, Energy and Natural Resources" <eamon.ryan@oireachtas.ie>,
Sir Menzies Campbell QC MP <info@libdems.org.uk>,
Suzon Forscey-Moore <suzonfm@aol.com>, Sky News <news@sky.com>,
"Irish Times Editor, Ireland" <lettersed@irish-times.ie>,
Julitta Clancy <julitta1@hotmail.com>,
"Charlie Bird (RTE Chief News Correspondent)" <charlie.bird@rte.ie>,
Executive Intelligence Review <eirns@larouchepub.com>,
Nelson Mandela <nmf@nelsonmandela.org>,
"Former President Mary Robinson (Ethical Globalization Initiative)" <info@eginitiative.org>,
"RTE (Republic of Ireland's National TV Station)" <newsdesk@rte.ie>,
"Dr Joseph E. Stiglitz (University Professor)" <jes322@columbia.edu>,
"Ciara Macklin (Lawyer, Fair & Murtagh)" <ciaramacklin@fair-murtagh.ie>,
Meirion Bowen <meirionbowen@btopenworld.com>,
"Ashley Mote (Independent MEP for South East England Region)" <ashley.mote@btconnect.com>,
Michael Canney <canneym@tcd.ie>,
"President of the Council of the European Union (Luís Filipe Marques Amado)" <press.office@consilium.europa.eu>,
Irish Embassy - London <christina.mccormack@dfa.ie>,
"Patrick M. Wood" <editor@augustreview.com>,
"Jacques Barrot (Vice-president of the European Commission with responsibility for Transport" <cab-archive-barrot@ec.europa.eu>,
Dr Paul Craig Roberts <PaulCraigRoberts@yahoo.com>,
"Commissioner for Human Rights of the Council of Europe (Thomas Hammarberg)" <commissioner.humanrights@coe.int>,
"Gearoid Geraghty (Lawyer, Fair & Murtagh, Ballinasloe)" <gearoidgeraghty@fair-murtagh.ie>,
Jim Allister MEP <jimallister@dup.org.uk>, Campaign@democracydefined.org,
"Liam Cashman (Environmental Directorate, The European Commission)" <Liam-Joseph.Cashman@ec.europa.eu>,
"Minister Trevor Sargent TD (Green Party)" <Trevor.Sargent@oireachtas.ie>,
"Venice Commission (Council of Europe)" <venice@coe.int>,
"PatrickReynolds (Irish in Britain Representation Group)" <patrickreynolds@hotmail.com>,
Dr John Wilson <jhwilson@acay.com.au>,
"The Irish Council for Civil Liberties (ICCL)" <info@iccl.ie>,
Amnesty International UK <press@amnesty.org.uk>,
"President George W. Bush" <president@whitehouse.gov>,
"Ban Ki-moon (Secretary-General of the United Nations)" <public.participation@unece.org>
"No exceptional circumstances whatsoever, whether a state of war or a threat of war, internal political instability or any other public emergency, may be invoked as a justification of torture."
by W. Finnerty. Tue Nov 06, 2007 19:48
First, a few small samples of the text of this document (which can be viewed in full at http://www.irishstatutebook.ie/2000/en/act/pub/0011/print.html ):
Article 1
1. For the purposes of this Convention, the term “torture” means any act by which severe pain or suffering, whether physical or mental, is intentionally inflicted on a person for such purposes as obtaining from him or a third person information or a confession, punishing him for an act he or a third person has committed or is suspected of having committed, or intimidating or coercing him or a third person, or for any reason based on discrimination of any kind, when such pain or suffering is inflicted by or at the instigation of or with the consent or acquiescence of a public official or other person acting in an official capacity.
Article 2
2. No exceptional circumstances whatsoever, whether a state of war or a threat of war, internal political instability or any other public emergency, may be invoked as a justification of torture.
Allowing for the few small samples provided above, and for other parts of this particular piece of Republic of Ireland legislation, it seems to me that a number of our senior "public servants" (so called) would need to "watch their step" VERY carefully, and that for some it might already be too late? (Among several other things which should be worrying some people, is the fact that one part of this Act very clearly states: "A person guilty of the offence of torture shall be liable on conviction on indictment to imprisonment for life.")
Such dangers are particularly real, if for ANY reason our lawyers here in the Republic of Ireland were to do the honourable and genuinely democratic thing, and to follow the example at present being set by their counterparts in Pakistan: who, as many will already know, are at the present time rightfully demanding a return to "constitutional law" (and away from the BOGUS unconstitutional and illegal law of the despots and the plutocrats) - which is EXACTLY the kind of major change-of-direction the Republic of Ireland now also desperately needs (in my view).
Related link: http://www.europeancourtofhumanrightswilliamfinnerty.com/ChiefJusticeMurray/2November2007/Email.htm
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2000 (Republic Of Ireland):
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Universal Declaration of Human
Rights (United Nations):