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"Everyone whose rights and freedoms as set forth in this
Convention are violated shall have an effective remedy before a national
authority notwithstanding that the violation has been committed by persons
acting in an official capacity".
So states Article
13 ("Right to an effective remedy") of the Convention
for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms.
The full text of this Council of Europe Convention can
be viewed at: http://conventions.coe.int/treaty/en/Treaties/Html/005.htm
"Article 13" issue has been raised in the e-mail below (dated October 21st 2005)
to a group of public servants in connection with difficulties in the Republic
of Ireland.
It is believed that several other countries may have very
similar oligarchic corruption problems to those in the Republic of
Some may find the e-mail reproduced below easier to read at the
following Internet address:
The version of the e-mail at the above address shows Internet "message
identification and tracking information".
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Date: Fri, 21 Oct 2005 11:23:24 +0100
From: William Finnerty
Subject: Culprits named (re
Government & Legal Abuse - ECHR case reference 25077/05)
To: "The
Registrar, European Court of Human Rights, Council of Europe, Strasbourg."
CC: "Caroline Nolan \(Solicitor, Northern
Ireland Human Rights Commission\)" <Caroline.Nolan@nihrc.org>, "Madden
& Finucane \(Solicitors, Belfast\)" <Enquiries@Madden-Finucane.com>,
"Gerard J Madden \(Senior Social Worker\)" <gmadden@slt.n-i.nhs.uk>,
"Commissioner for Human Rights of the Council of Europe \(Alvaro Gil-Robles\)"
<commissioner.humanrights@coe.int>, "Jose Manuel Barroso \(President of EU
Commission\)" <sg-web-president@cec.eu.int>, "Josep Borrell Fontelles
\(President of the European Parliament\)"
<webmasterpresident@europarl.eu.int>, "Prime Minister Tony Blair MP
\(Council of European Union President\)" <webmaster@pmo.gov.uk>, "Marcin
Libicki \(Chairman of European Parliament Committee on Petitions\)"
<mlibicki@europarl.eu.int>, "Margot Wallstrom \(Vice President of EU
Commission\)" <Margot.Wallstrom@cec.eu.int>, "Stavros Dimas \(EU
Commissioner for Environment & Social Affairs\)"
<empl-info@cec.eu.int>, "Michael Howard MP \(Leader of the Conservative
Party\)" <howardm@parliament.uk>, "Charles Kennedy MP \(Leader of the
Liberal Democrats\)" <rossldp@cix.co.uk>, Chief Constable Sir Hugh Orde
OBE <information@nipolicingboard.org.uk>, Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan
Williams <webmaster@archbishopofcanterbury.org>, Cardinal Cormac Murphy
O'Connor <enquiries@rcdow.org.uk>, Prime Minister Bertie Ahern
<taoiseach@taoiseach.irlgov.ie>, Deputy Prime Minister Mary Harney
<info@maryharney.ie>, "Minister for Justice \(Michael McDowell TD\)"
<Michael.McDowell@oireachtas.ie>, Enda.Kenny@oireachtas.ie,
Pat.Rabbitte@oireachtas.ie, Trevor.Sargent@oireachtas.ie,
Arthur.Morgan@oireachtas.ie, "Gearoid Geraghty \(Lawyer, Fair Murtagh,
Ballinasloe\)" <gearoidgeraghty@fair-murtagh.ie>, "Ciara Macklin \(Lawyer,
Fair-Murtagh\)" <ciaramacklin@fair-murtagh.ie>, "Martin Egan \(Principal
Lawyer, Fair-Murtagh Law Firm\)" <martinegan@fair-murtagh.ie>, "Garda
Commissioner Noel Conroy \(Chief Commissioner of Police, Republic of Ireland\)"
<comstaff@iol.ie>, ombudsman@ombudsman.irlgov.ie,
euro-ombudsman@europarl.eu.int, brendankellywoodlawn@yahoo.ie,
ciaran_hughes@yahoo.co.uk, richardmgreene@yahoo.co.uk, Marian Harkin TD &
MEP <mharkin@oireachtas.ie>, Senator Jim Higgins MEP
<Jim.Higgins@oireachtas.ie>, "Vercingetorix \(Ireland\)"
<vercingetorixireland@yahoo.ie>, "King Ollamh Fodhla \(Tara / Turoe /
Ulster\)" <ollamhfodhla@yahoo.co.uk>, Patrick Cullinane
<patrick.cullinane@tiscali.co.uk>, "Kofi Annan \(Secretary-General of the
United Nations\)" <public.participation@unece.org>,
jeremy.paxman@bbc.co.uk, charlie.bird@rte.ie, newsdesk@rte.ie, todaypk@rte.ie,
vincent.browne@rte.ie, "Dr John Kirby \(Bishop of Clonfert\)"
<clonfert@iol.ie>, Sir Anthony O'Reilly <content@unison.ie>, Sir Bob
Geldof <geldofinfo@msn.com>, "Guardian of Republic of Ireland Constitution
\(President Mary McAleese\)" <webmaster@aras.irlgov.ie>, "President George
W. Bush" <president@whitehouse.gov>
Date: Tue, 4 Oct 2005 17:02:47 +0100 (BST)
From: William Finnerty
To: "Gerard J Madden \(Senior Social Worker\)" http://ie.f869.mail.yahoo.com/ym/Compose?To=gmadden@slt.n-i.nhs.uk
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