Postman Pat says ‘stuff your pay cut”
national | workers issues |
Monday September 10, 2007 08:45
by Postman Pat - WSM 
Interview with striking postal worker
Postal van driven by
manager (image courtesy of Indymedia UK)
From June to
mid-August, postal workers in the North and in Britain were taking
industrial action. Management are on the offensive, and the action was to
protect existing conditions.
In a display of cross-border common
purpose An Post bosses are also having a go, with conditions under attack
as a prelude to selling off parts of the service to private companies. So,
An Post workers have a special interest in how the Communications Workers
Union dispute progresses
On 10th August, Royal Mail agreed to talk, and the CWU suspended strike
action pending the outcome of negotiations. A Work-to-Rule continues, and
will continue to cause disruption to the post. If the talks don’t deliver
for the workers, strike action will have to be resumed and escalated.
Anything less will be seen as weakness by the bosses and will encourage
them to seek even more concessions from staff.
One Royal Mail worker gives her views:
The strike occurred in to
protect working conditions, can you describe the changes that were
Early in 2007, Royal Mail unveiled its Business
Plan, which included unpopular later starting times, ‘Team-Working’, which
means covering for staff on holiday or off sick with unpaid overtime,
‘Summer Lapsing’ which means five staff covering six duties during the
summer months (and which will no doubt lead to it being an all year round
exercise, thereby losing another 40,000 jobs), closing the pension scheme
to new employees, (a leaked document has shown there are insufficient
funds in the pension plan due to Royal Mail deciding to withhold payments
for a number of years) and delivering leaflets for no extra payment.
Royal Mail say that these measures and more must be agreed to
before any pay rise will be granted. An offer of 2.5% on basic pay equates
to £8 per week, but staff will lose £12.50 per week by agreeing to later
starting times. The offer is a pay cut however it is viewed.
What was the reaction of the workers?
In June, the
membership delivered an overwhelming decision in favour of strike action,
the significance of which Royal Mail attempted to play down. However the
first strikes have seen massive support with very few scabs turning into
work. After the first strike, Royal Mail claimed 60% of staff worked
normally, but this was proved to be false.
In a desperate attempt
to undermine the strike, a manager repeatedly drove a Royal Mail minibus
with blacked out windows through a picket line to give the impression of
people wanting to work whenever a camera from the local media turned up.
Since the strikes began, more and more delivery office staff have
chosen not to perform unpaid overtime before official start times and are
refusing to use their own cars to transport themselves and their mail to
their deliveries. Both practices are responsible for job losses. Managers
in offices where this is taking place have been unable to cope with demand
for vans and have been delivering mail which has been left or brought back
by staff unable to complete delivery in the appointed time span. Workers
have become sick and tired of being bullied by power-tripping managers
manner and are fighting back the best way they can.
What are
the usual relations between staff and employers?
When Tony
Blair appointed Allan Leighton as Chairman of Royal Mail in March 2002, he
was already on the boards of nine other companies, had sold Asda to the
anti-union Wal-Mart supermarket chain and was in the process of the
transforming Leeds United Football Club from Champions League contenders
to relegation certainties and ultimate bankruptcy. Allegedly he receives a
basic salary of a £800,000 per year.
Leighton is fond of referring
to the employees of the companies he has anything to do with as “our
people”, an annoying habit which along with referring to recipients of his
many propaganda letters by their first name and signing off with ‘Regards,
Allan’, he imagines gives him a ‘matey’ persona.
He introduced to
Royal Mail the idea of ‘huddles’, an innovation he brought with him from
Asda. Embarrassed managers would call together a few workers to discuss
issues around the job. Staff quickly dubbed these meetings ‘muddles’ when
it became clear managers had little idea of the duties they were supposed
to be in charge of and simply refused to participate in
Obviously Leighton had not been used to dealing with a large,
highly unionised workforce made militant by many years of bullying
management and a series of CWU General Secretaries who seemed almost as
out of touch with the workers as Leighton himself. In 2003, the CWU lost a
ballot on pay by a mere 1,600 votes and Leighton, Crozier and just about
every manager under them thought the result gave them licence to impose
‘team-working’ and four hour delivery spans.
The culture of
bullying and harassment from managers increased, leading to unofficial
industrial action in many large towns and cities which forced Royal Mail
to the negotiating table. Leighton gave up referring to ‘activists’ in his
letters to staff as it was obvious the ‘activists’ made up a sizeable
majority of the workforce and his ‘divide and conquer’ tactics had
What are the CWU like as a union?
biggest fear now is that of being let down by the leadership of the
Communications Workers Union. This is always a possibility while those at
the top of the CWU are enthralled by the notion of a link with the Labour
Party. If ten years of Labour looking after the interests of big business
and trampling on the working class have taught them nothing, perhaps the
near total silence from the party they help fund on this latest battle
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Comments (3 of 3)
Jump To Comment: 1 2 3Those trying to understand the present-day thinking of senior management (and several senior politicians as well) may find it useful to have a look at some of the very basic observations and views of leading economist Dr Joseph Stiglitz.
Consider the following (for example): "Stiglitz agreed that the process of hijacking and looting key infrastructure on the part of the IMF and World Bank, as an offshoot of predatory globalization, had now moved from the third world to Europe, the United States and Canada."
It may be that our "National Postal Services" are to be included in the "process of hijacking and looting key infrastructure" as well possibly?
One more example: "This is a movement that's gone on all over the world," said Stiglitz, "the movement of trying to turn over basic facilities - water, roads, to the private sector."
The full article, which provides the context for the above two quotes by Dr Stiglitz , can be viewed at .
Here is a man who has inside knowledge of "infrastructure":
Economic hit men (EHMs) are highly paid professionals who cheat countries around the globe out of trillions of dollars. They funnel money from the World Bank, the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), and other foreign "aid" organizations into the coffers of huge corporations and the pockets of a few wealthy families who control the planet's natural resources. Their tools included fraudulent financial reports, rigged elections, payoffs, extortion, sex, and murder. They play a game as old as empire, but one that has taken on new and terrifying dimensions during this time of globalization.
Although unconscious, deceived, and - in many cases - self-deluded, these players were not members of any clandestine conspiracy; rather, they were the product of a system that promotes the most subtle and effective form of imperialism the world has ever witnessed.